En este momento estás viendo Noticia 3 con imagen y con un extracto de información importante
INTERLABS productos salud oral: SOLUCIÓN BUCAL VÁLVULA SPRAY ANTIPLAC-B® Digluconato de Clorhexidina al 0.2%, Profilaxis SENSIBLANQ Pulido Dental (Perlita), Desensibilizante Dentinal (Arginina) y Blanqueador Manchas Exógenas (Hexametafosfato de Sodio), ResinBilliant GEL DENTAL TRASLÚCIDO Abrillantar y Pulir Resinas Dentales.Faringoamigdalitis, Gingivoestomatitis Herpética, Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Caries (remineralización) y demás enfermedades producidas por la Placa Bacteriana, Profilaxis dental, Desensibilizante Dentinal, Desensibilización después de Tallar un Diente, Desadaptación de los Provisionales ó Temporales, Pre y post Blanqueamiento Dental, Hipersensibilidad post Talla Dental en Caries y Muñones, Post Detartraje y Alisado Radicular.

Noticia 3 con imagen y con un extracto de información importante

Atendiendo las necesidades de prevención, tratamiento y control, proporcionando a nuestros clientes productos excepcionales de alta calidad y confiabilidad. Oral health is essential to general health and well-being. Oral disease can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, and learning. It can also affect social interaction and employment potential.1 The three oral conditions that most affect overall health and quality of life are cavities, severe gum disease, and severe tooth loss.2 By age 8, over half of children (52%) have had a cavity in their primary (baby) teeth.

Children from low-income families are twice as likely to have cavities as children from higher-income families.3 1 in 4 adults aged 20 to 64 currently has cavities.3 Drinking fluoridated water and getting dental sealants (in childhood) prevent cavities and save money by avoiding expensive dental care.4, 5 Tobacco use and diabetes are two risk factors for gum disease.6, 7 On average, 34 million school hours are lost each year because of unplanned (emergency) dental care, and over $45 billion in US productivity is lost each year due to untreated dental disease.8,9 Medical-dental integration between oral health and chronic disease prevention programs benefits patients and saves money.